KYOTO KYOTO series designed by Lise og Hans Isbrand New functional table with a modern design. Our brand new KYOTO series is characterized by the smooth lines of the steel frame combined with the many options for tabletops and different functions. Have a look at KYOTO...


WO HIGH WO’s stand table is characterised by a unique design and succinct style. The 55 mm. thick 45 degree angled construction with identical materials on all surfaces and edges gives a homogeneous, nice expression and supports the quality of the product....
RH TABLE & RH Storage

RH TABLE & RH Storage

RH TABLE & RH Storage For the discerning customer RH developed a formidable furniture series consisting of storage and end wall desktops. The furnitures are uncompromising and exude good design and high quality. Description Read more about RH TABLE – STORAGE here...

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